Roaming Eyes

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Fight

When the validity or the theory of relativity is in question
Look around yourself and come take my suggestion
And listen carefully to these next couple of words
Cause the prophecy is here and here are the passwords
To the questions in our minds, and the unanswered sings,
That we see around us and by beginning to discuss
We can move ahead
Instead of wearing shoes made of lead
We can start to run without a thread
Or any strings attached, forgetting
The times we were attacked,
And make a pact that binds us,
That reminds us, that rewinds us
To a place of bliss that we miss and reminisce
But don’t have to dismiss the idea of togetherness
And I gotta confess, the mess that we are in
Will not just vanish,
The future will unfold as we act and we wish.
To begin we gotta open our minds to each other
Give love to your sister and your brother, and only together
Can we stand a chance, and then we can enhance this dance
And begin to advance to our final stance
That will either be remembered forever
Or become a useless endeavor
But that doesn’t matter to me
Cause the fight to get there will set me Free….


The river still flows,
The sun still glows,
The bird still flies,
The ice still cools,
We are still fools,
The guitarist still picks,
The clock still ticks.
- Kirti KM

It's U.S.

With the world asking so much from everyone 
I aint so sure but maybe the answer is a gun
And then we can kill everyone for fun 
And say we won 
But I aint standing for death around me 
Payin’ ma fee, cuttin’ down a tree
I hate people who see in black and white
They think they are so right cuz they’re so white 
But black people are just as tight 
Just as right, ready to fight, Ready to bite 
Back from all those years when they got shut out 
It makes me wanna holler, shout
About everything and the way it could be 
Where everyone is free
Where you stand for doin’ good deeds
Where the water can still freeze
Up at the poles 
There aint no holes in our souls.
Where money isn’t what wets people at night 
Make’m fight, tryin’ to get high, high like a kite.
Where chicks are tryin’ to sell themselves
Linin’ themselves up on shelves
I don’t want a place like that 
Where you are dissed on for bein’ fat
I aint ready for that 
Oh shit! Where are we goin’? Where we at?

Operation Iraqi Freedom

We’ve been at war since I can remember 
It didn’t just begin that fateful September
It’s been 5 years since we attacked Iraq
And now I’m wondering if we’ll ever come back

We went there for a reason that doesn’t stand true
Really just treason a military cue
There was only a few who didn’t support the war
Now our pockets are draining and we’re looking for a door, out.

Of operation Iraqi freedom
We’ve tilled the land but we still got to seed’em
Maybe that’s just what they want us to believe,
That we’re freedom fighters instead of freedom thieves.
There is blood on the ground and nothing can grow,
Is this war gonna end it’s going so slow.

We’re beating around the Bush, no pun intended.
What will happen when china wants the money that was lended.
Our morals were bended, extended for oil or whatever
If McCain wins we’re gonna be in debt forever.

It doesn’t matter who controls the capital hill 
Does anybody have the heart along with the will?
To pull us out of the dark, instead of tearing us apart
The invasion of other nation doesn’t make sense
We’re still looking through manifest destiny lens

We’ve been at war since I can remember 
It didn’t just begin that fateful September
It’s been 5 years since we attacked Iraq
And now I’m wondering if we’ll ever come back.

Talked about McCain but they’re all confused
Trust me Hilary and Obama should not be excused
It doesn’t matter if we win or we loose
The people in Iraq will still be abused.

If you ask me this war we have already lost 
The possible gain has exceeded the cost

We’re trying to control what can’t be controlled
You have to change for yourself, you can’t be told.
We’re like a bad gambler, don’t know when to fold.
Just like the conquistadors from the days of old,
We’re destroying other nations in search of gold.
By being so bold we are loosing our hold.

Are these candidates really gonna stand behind their word
Considering the track record that would be absurd.
They tell us to be heard, go out and vote,
But all they do is shove it down our throats.

It didn’t just begin that fateful September 
We’ve been at war since I can remember 

We’re way too deep for just evolution 
We need to move our feet, start a revolution
It’s the only solution, to end this era 
Of Political, Environmental & social pollution.

-kirti math & jake sakson

Read this somewhere... liked it...

The infinite possibilities each day should stagger the mind. The sheer number of experiences i can have is uncountable, breathtaking, and i'm sitting here refreshing my inbox.We live trapped in loops. Reliving a few days over and over, and we envision only a handful of paths laid out ahead of us. We see the same things each day, we respond the same way, we think the same thoughts, each day a slight variation on the last,every moment smoothly following the gentle curves of societal norms. We act like if we just get through today, tommorow our dreams will come back to us.
And no, I dont have all the answers. I dont know how to jolt myself into seeing what each moment could become. But I do know one thing --- the solution doesnt involve watering down my every little idea and creative impulse for the sake of someday easing my fit into a mold. It doesnt involve tempering my life to better fit someone's expectations. It doesnt involve constantly holding back for the fear of shaking things up.This is very important, so i want to say it as clearly as i can --- fuck.that.shit.

Monday, April 8, 2013

We need more people like this in the world....

So a group of Dolphins get too close to the beach and end up getting stuck...
and a group of kind humans come to the rescue...
Such a beautiful moment this was....

Sunday, April 7, 2013

We have all tried to start a fire.
I am sure that we all like to think-- that what we are doing now is the right thing--But sadly it isn’t so.
This life as you now live it-- and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more-- and there will be nothing new in it-- but every pain and every joy-- and every thought and sigh-- everything immeasurably small or great in your life-- must return to you-- This eternal hourglass of existence is turned over-- and over again.
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.-- But if you never start looking you will never find it.
 It is possible to be alive and not exist at the same moment.
What I’d like you to take away from this-- is that every breath deserves to be celebrated-- and every life deserves to be lived.